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Amai Liu is sitting in her bedroom hanging out with an older friend. She's never messed around with him before but she's always known she wants his dick. Today she's had enough of the missed opportunities and makes the first move. Her friend goes along with her fun and soon Amai is sucking his dick and spreading her legs wide to take him balls deep inside her shaved tight pussy!Kerry Louise loves her job as a temp. Not only does she get to bounce from job to job meeting new and interesting people but she gets to fuck whomever she wants as well! Kerry hardly does any work at the office. Instead she just finds the eligible cocks to fuck. Here you can see her bend over the desk, taking it from behind like a true office slut.Ruby Reds wore her slave necklace today but wasn't planning on getting anal beads stuffed into her asshole today, but she likes them almost as much as the fat red butt plug that makes its way into her tight hole. Her tattooed dom makes sure she sucks the load of out hi
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